55 research outputs found

    Endosomal integrin signals for survival.

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    The mechanisms underlying integrin-dependent signalling are a topic of continued study. Endocytosed integrins are now shown to drive assembly of signalling complexes on the cytoplasmic face of endocytic membranes to promote cancer cell survival and increase metastatic capacity following cell detachment

    High-Resolution Quantification of Focal Adhesion Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Living Cells

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    Focal adhesions (FAs) are macromolecular complexes that provide a linkage between the cell and its external environment. In a motile cell, focal adhesions change size and position to govern cell migration, through the dynamic processes of assembly and disassembly. To better understand the dynamic regulation of focal adhesions, we have developed an analysis system for the automated detection, tracking, and data extraction of these structures in living cells. This analysis system was used to quantify the dynamics of fluorescently tagged Paxillin and FAK in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts followed via Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRF). High content time series included the size, shape, intensity, and position of every adhesion present in a living cell. These properties were followed over time, revealing adhesion lifetime and turnover rates, and segregation of properties into distinct zones. As a proof-of-concept, we show how a single point mutation in Paxillin at the Jun-kinase phosphorylation site Serine 178 changes FA size, distribution, and rate of assembly. This study provides a detailed, quantitative picture of FA spatiotemporal dynamics as well as a set of tools and methodologies for advancing our understanding of how focal adhesions are dynamically regulated in living cells. A full, open-source software implementation of this pipeline is provided at http://gomezlab.bme.unc.edu/tools

    Systems microscopy approaches to understand cancer cell migration and metastasis

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    Cell migration is essential in a number of processes, including wound healing, angiogenesis and cancer metastasis. Especially, invasion of cancer cells in the surrounding tissue is a crucial step that requires increased cell motility. Cell migration is a well-orchestrated process that involves the continuous formation and disassembly of matrix adhesions. Those structural anchor points interact with the extra-cellular matrix and also participate in adhesion-dependent signalling. Although these processes are essential for cancer metastasis, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate adhesion dynamics during tumour cell migration. In this review, we provide an overview of recent advanced imaging strategies together with quantitative image analysis that can be implemented to understand the dynamics of matrix adhesions and its molecular components in relation to tumour cell migration. This dynamic cell imaging together with multiparametric image analysis will help in understanding the molecular mechanisms that define cancer cell migration

    MicroRNA-mediated drug resistance in breast cancer

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    Chemoresistance is one of the major hurdles to overcome for the successful treatment of breast cancer. At present, there are several mechanisms proposed to explain drug resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, including decreased intracellular drug concentrations, mediated by drug transporters and metabolic enzymes; impaired cellular responses that affect cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and DNA repair; the induction of signaling pathways that promote the progression of cancer cell populations; perturbations in DNA methylation and histone modifications; and alterations in the availability of drug targets. Both genetic and epigenetic theories have been put forward to explain the mechanisms of drug resistance. Recently, a small non-coding class of RNAs, known as microRNAs, has been identified as master regulators of key genes implicated in mechanisms of chemoresistance. This article reviews the role of microRNAs in regulating chemoresistance and highlights potential therapeutic targets for reversing miRNA-mediated drug resistance. In the future, microRNA-based treatments, in combination with traditional chemotherapy, may be a new strategy for the clinical management of drug-resistant breast cancers

    Defining the phospho-adhesome through the phosphoproteomic analysis of integrin signalling

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    Cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion is a fundamental requirement for multicellular existence due to roles in positioning, proliferation and differentiation. Phosphorylation plays a major role in adhesion signalling; however, a full understanding of the phosphorylation events that occur at sites of adhesion is lacking. Here we report a proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of adhesion complexes isolated from cells spread on fibronectin. We identify 1,174 proteins, 499 of which are phosphorylated (1,109 phosphorylation sites), including both well-characterized and novel adhesion-regulated phosphorylation events. Immunoblotting suggests that two classes of phosphorylated residues are found at adhesion sites—those induced by adhesion and those constitutively phosphorylated but recruited in response to adhesion. Kinase prediction analysis identifies novel kinases with putative roles in adhesion signalling including CDK1, inhibition of which reduces adhesion complex formation. This phospho-adhesome data set constitutes a valuable resource to improve our understanding of the signalling mechanisms through which cell–ECM interactions control cell behaviour

    A proteomic approach reveals integrin activation state-dependent control of microtubule cortical targeting

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    Integrin activation, which is regulated by allosteric changes in receptor conformation, enables cellular responses to the chemical, mechanical and topological features of the extracellular microenvironment. A global view of how activation state converts the molecular composition of the region proximal to integrins into functional readouts is, however, lacking. Here, using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, we report the isolation of integrin activation state-dependent complexes and their characterization by mass spectrometry. Quantitative comparisons, integrating network, clustering, pathway and image analyses, define multiple functional protein modules enriched in a conformation-specific manner. Notably, active integrin complexes are specifically enriched for proteins associated with microtubule-based functions. Visualization of microtubules on micropatterned surfaces and live cell imaging demonstrate that active integrins establish an environment that stabilizes microtubules at the cell periphery. These data provide a resource for the interrogation of the global molecular connections that link integrin activation to adhesion signalling

    Definition of a consensus integrin adhesome and its dynamics during adhesion complex assembly and disassembly

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    Integrin receptor activation initiates the formation of integrin adhesion complexes (IACs) at the cell membrane that transduce adhesion-dependent signals to control a multitude of cellular functions. Proteomic analyses of isolated IACs have revealed an unanticipated molecular complexity; however, a global view of the consensus composition and dynamics of IACs is currently lacking. Here, we have integrated several IAC proteomes and generated a 2,412-protein integrin adhesome. Analysis of this dataset reveals the functional diversity of proteins in IACs and establishes a consensus adhesome of 60 proteins. The consensus adhesome likely represents a core cell adhesion machinery, centred around four axes comprising ILK-PINCH-kindlin, FAK-paxillin, talin-vinculin and α-actinin-zyxin-VASP, and includes underappreciated IAC components such as Rsu-1 and caldesmon. Proteomic quantification of IAC assembly and disassembly detailed the compositional dynamics of the core cell adhesion machinery. The definition of this consensus view of integrin adhesome components provides a resource for the research community